Crafting Creativity: How to Make a Stunning Paper Mache Pendant


If you’re looking for a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon, consider trying your hand at making a paper mache pendant. Not only is it an enjoyable activity that requires minimal materials, but you’ll also end up with a beautiful and unique piece of jewelry that you can wear with pride.

Materials Needed

Before you get started, gather the following materials:

  • Newspaper strips
  • Water and glue mixture (equal parts water and white glue)
  • Balloon or small plastic ball
  • Paint (of your choice)
  • Paintbrush
  • String or chain to hang the pendant from


Follow these easy steps to create your very own paper mache pendant:

Step 1: Inflate the Balloon

Inflate your balloon or plastic ball to the desired size for your pendant.

Step 2: Apply the Paper Mache

Dip a strip of newspaper into the water and glue mixture, making sure it’s well coated. Place the strip onto the inflated balloon and smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles with your fingers. Repeat this process until the entire surface of the balloon is covered with paper mache.

Step 3: Let it Dry

Allow the paper mache pendant to dry completely. This may take several hours or overnight.

Step 4: Paint It

Once the pendant is dry, it’s time to paint it. Use the paint and brush to apply the desired color or pattern. Allow the paint to dry completely.

Step 5: Attach the String or Chain

Cut a piece of string or chain to your desired length and attach it to your paper mache pendant using glue or by tying a knot.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips to ensure your paper mache pendant turns out beautifully:

  • Use a variety of newspaper sizes and lengths to create a unique texture for your pendant.
  • If desired, add additional layers of paper mache for a thicker, more durable pendant.
  • Experiment with different paint colors and techniques, such as using a sponge or brush to create a textured effect.
  • Consider adding additional embellishments, such as glitter, beads, or ribbon for extra flair.

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