Exploring the Beauty of Södersvik: A Hidden Gem in Sweden

Södersvik is a beautiful village located in the heart of Sweden. With its idyllic scenery and charming atmosphere, it’s no wonder that this hidden gem has become a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. Whether you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, or simply want to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Sweden, Södersvik is the place to be. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what makes Södersvik so special and why you should consider visiting it.

Getting There

Södersvik is located in the municipality of Österåker, which is approximately 30 kilometers from Stockholm. There are several ways to get to Södersvik, including by car, train, or bus. If you’re traveling by car, the journey takes around 40 minutes from Stockholm. Alternatively, you can take the train from Stockholm to Åkersberga, and then transfer to a bus to Södersvik. The journey by public transport takes around 1.5 hours.

Things to Do

Despite its small size, Södersvik has plenty of things to see and do. Here are some of the top attractions:

Explore the Countryside

Södersvik is surrounded by beautiful countryside, with rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling lakes. Whether you’re an experienced hiker or just want to take a leisurely stroll, this is the perfect place to get back to nature.

Visit the Sjö Piano

One of the most unique attractions in Södersvik is the Sjö Piano, a floating piano that is moored in the middle of the bay. The piano is free to play and is a popular spot for both musicians and visitors.

Attend a Concert at the Södersvik Church

The Södersvik Church is a beautiful 18th-century church that is still in use today. Throughout the year, the church hosts a variety of cultural events and concerts, many of which are free to attend.

Enjoy the Local Cuisine

No trip to Sweden is complete without trying the local cuisine. Södersvik has several excellent restaurants that serve traditional Swedish dishes such as meatballs, herring, and lingonberry jam.


Despite its small size, Södersvik has several accommodation options to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a cozy hostel or a luxurious hotel, there’s something to suit every budget and taste.

Hostel Södersvik

Hostel Södersvik is a cozy and affordable hostel located in the heart of the village. With just six rooms, the hostel offers an intimate and charming atmosphere, and is perfect for budget-conscious travelers.

Södersvik Inn

Södersvik Inn is a luxurious hotel located on the waterfront, with stunning views of the bay. The hotel offers a range of facilities, including a restaurant, spa, and outdoor pool.

Södersvik is a hidden gem that is not to be missed. With its beautiful scenery, charming atmosphere, and range of activities, it’s the perfect place to relax and unwind. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a cultural experience, or simply want to enjoy the great outdoors, Södersvik has something for everyone. So why not plan your trip today and discover the magic of this wonderful village?

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