Exploring the Bocci 76 Series: A Dynamic Fusion of Art and Design

The Inspiration Behind the 76 Series

The Bocci 76 Series, created by Canadian designer Omer Arbel, draws inspiration from the idea of frozen motion. Arbel was fascinated by the way water droplets could freeze in mid-air, and sought to capture that ephemeral moment in his lighting design. The resulting series uses hand-blown glass and thin metal frames to create a sense of weightlessness and fluidity.

The Process of Making the 76 Series

The Bocci 76 Series is made by heating and blowing glass into a metal frame, which creates a bubble-like form. The glass is then cooled and attached to a thin metal frame, which is shaped and bent to create a unique, sculptural look. Each piece is hand-crafted, ensuring that no two lights are alike.

The Beauty of Imperfection

One of the hallmarks of the Bocci 76 Series is its emphasis on imperfection. The hand-crafted glass has slight variations in shape and color, which adds to the charm of each piece. The imperfections in the glass also create a unique play of light and shadow, adding depth and interest to any space.

The 76 Series in Interior Design

The Bocci 76 Series has become a favorite of designers and architects alike, thanks to its unique blend of art and design. The fluid, sculptural look of the lights make them a statement piece, while their simple lines and neutral color palette allow them to blend seamlessly into any space. The versatility of the series is emphasized by the range of options available, from single pendants to large chandeliers.

Using the 76 Series in Different Spaces

The Bocci 76 Series is a great choice for a variety of spaces, from homes to commercial settings. In a residential setting, the lights are perfect for creating a focal point in a living room or dining room. In a commercial setting, they can add drama and interest to a hotel lobby or retail space. The adaptability of the series means that it can be customized to suit any space or style.

Pairing the 76 Series with Other Pieces

One of the benefits of the Bocci 76 Series is that it can be paired with a variety of other pieces to create a cohesive look. The simple lines and neutral color palette of the series make it a great match for a range of furniture styles, from mid-century modern to minimalist. The play of light and shadow created by the lights can also be used to highlight other design elements in a space.


The Bocci 76 Series is a perfect example of the way art and design can come together to create something truly unique. The hand-crafted glass and metal frames create a sense of movement and fluidity, while the simple lines and neutral colors make them adaptable to a range of spaces and styles. Whether used as a statement piece or as part of a larger design scheme, the Bocci 76 series is sure to make a lasting impression.

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