A Glimpse into the World of Isamu Noguchi’s Akari 26A


Isamu Noguchi’s Akari 26A is a timeless piece of art that has inspired generations of designers and artists. The Akari 26A is a modular lamp made of paper and metal that is lightweight and delicate yet durable. Noguchi designed the Akari 26A in 1951 and has since become a symbol of Japanese design.

The History of Isamu Noguchi

Isamu Noguchi was born in Los Angeles in 1904 to a Japanese father and an American mother. His parents separated when he was young, and he spent much of his childhood in Japan with his father. He attended Columbia University and later apprenticed under the renowned sculptor Constantin Brancusi in Paris. Noguchi’s work has been exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums around the world, and he is considered one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century.

Akari 26A Design

The Akari 26A is made of washi, a type of paper made in Japan. The lamp features a metal frame that provides structure and stability, while the washi paper diffuses light in a warm and gentle manner. The design of the Akari 26A is simple and elegant, with clean lines and subtle details. The modular design allows the lamp to be configured in different ways, creating unique lighting arrangements.

Akari 26A in Modern Design

The Akari 26A has remained relevant in modern design due to its simplicity and versatility. The lamp has been used in a variety of contexts, including residential and commercial spaces, and has inspired numerous imitations and variations. The appeal of the Akari 26A lies in its ability to add a touch of elegance and warmth to any space, while still maintaining a modern aesthetic.


Isamu Noguchi’s Akari 26A is more than just a lamp, it is a piece of art. The modular design, delicate materials, and timeless aesthetic make the Akari 26A a true masterpiece. It has become a symbol of Japanese design and continues to inspire new generations of artists and designers. The Akari 26A is a true reflection of Noguchi’s innovative and timeless design philosophy.

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